Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility Open House

Open House featuring Sense and Sensibility

October 29, 2022.  Special Collections and Archives, 4th floor of the Athenaeum

Secondary teachers and others with an interest in Jane Austen were invited to view selected materials from Goucher’s world-famous Jane Austen Collection, including original English editions from the 1810s, American editions from the 1830s, translations, illustrated editions, and founding collector Alberta Burke’s amazing notebooks. On hand to offer introductions and answer questions will be Professor Juliette Wells, Goucher’s Austen specialist; Kristen Welzenbach, Curator of Special Collections and Archives; Deborah Harner, Education Archivist; and Melissa Straw, Director of Conservation and Preservation.


Saturday, October 29 2022


1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Special Collections and Archives, 4th floor of the Athenaeum

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